Most drivers are taught how to deal with car accidents while learning to drive a car. If you are in a collision with another vehicle while driving a car, you very likely know what to do immediately afterward. But what if you are riding a bicycle and get into an accident?...
Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims
Medical malpractice may seem pretty common, but thankfully, most doctors, nurses, and hospitals follow the guidelines of their profession pretty well. They may make mistakes, but those mistakes are generally not due to negligence.
Nevertheless, when medical malpractice does occur, the following are some of its most...
Top 5 Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you were injured due to the negligence of another party, you are presumably eligible to receive compensation for those injuries. While there are several ways to obtain such payment, you are often more likely to acquire higher compensation if you enlist the services of a personal injury lawyer.
5 Shareholder Agreement Mistakes Not To Do
Perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice for entrepreneurs and small business owners is to ensure that everything is put in writing. Contracts and agreements are essential to protecting yourself and your business interests against future uncertainties.
Unfortunately, the excitement of starting a new business with others...
Why Your Business Needs a Buy-Sell Agreement
If you are operating a business that consists of one or more individuals, and you do not have a buy-sell agreement, you may be putting control over your business and its continued operations at stake. Your partners have interests in your common business, and those interests do not necessarily go away...
Defending Your Company From Unfair Competition (Slander/False Accusations)
In today’s overly connected world, it does not take long for information to spread from one person to the next. Within moments, a post on social media can be seen by dozens, if not hundreds, of people. And if the post goes viral, it can reach hundreds of thousands of people or...
Penalties for Breach of a Fiduciary Duty
In the business world, owners and officers are entrusted with incredible powers over the business’s assets. To keep those with the power to bring about great benefit or great harm to a business accountable, the law imposes on them a fiduciary duty.
This duty requires these individuals to...
Steps to Take if You Have Been Involved in a Wide-Turn Truck Accident
Truck accidents are scary and stressful for everyone involved, especially if you suffer harm. Because semi-trucks pose such great danger on the roads, collisions with these massive vehicles are common.
Wide-turn truck accidents are some of the most common kinds of trucking collisions. If you’ve been involved in...
Understanding an Anticipatory Breach of Contract
Contracts are an essential element of running an efficient and profitable business. However, eventually, contractual agreements often lead to issues, disagreements, and even legal action. If you’ve become aware that another party is planning to break their contract, you have an anticipatory breach of contract on your hands.
Protect Your Business: 3 Types of Fraud to Be Aware Of
Most business owners have enough on their plates, and they certainly do not need to look for additional problems. Unfortunately, scam artists and fraudsters tend to target small business owners because they know that, most times, they’re more susceptible to being taken advantage of.
If you own or run...