Car speeding down the road

Determining Fault in a Lane Change Accident

Car accidents are a common occurrence in the hustle and bustle of Long Island and New York City traffic. Distracted driving, speeding, and even DUI are frequent contributors to the thousands of annual accidents in Long Island and New York more generally.

While rear-end collisions and head-on crashes are common, lane changes are the reason for many of Nassau’s most severe wrecks. Due to the nature of these collisions, determining fault in accidents involving lane changes can be complex.

If you commute in New York, it’s critical to understand the process for determining fault in lane change accidents. Additionally, you’ll need to know how victims of crashes can file personal injury claims against negligent parties who cause these dangerous wrecks.

Traffic Accident Statistics in New York State

According to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, there were 298,834 motor vehicle accidents in New York State in 2019. Some 1,137 drivers lost their lives in these crashes.

While lane change accidents aren’t responsible for every car crash in New York, they continue to contribute heavily to personal injury statistics.

When drivers fail to use their mirrors or signals adequately during a lane change, the result can be catastrophic. Blind spots, inclement weather, and disproportionate vehicle sizes can also contribute to lane change accidents.

When drivers fail to engage in a duty of care, the risk of injury increases. 

Lane Change Accidents in New York

Lane change accidents are typical motor vehicle accidents in New York. In this type of accident, one vehicle changes lanes and collides with another. The severity of these collisions can vary depending on speed, road conditions, and traffic concentration.

Determining fault in a lane change accident can be complex and requires a thorough investigation of the accident.

New York state follows a comparative negligence system to determine fault in a lane change accident. Under this system, fault is assigned to each party involved in the accident. The amount of fault assigned to each party determines their overall liability for the accident.

If both parties are found to be at fault, the damages are divided according to the percentage of fault assigned to each party. For example, if one party is 70% at fault and the other party is 30% at fault, the damages will be divided accordingly.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you’re injured in a lane change accident in New York, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the party responsible. To successfully pursue a personal injury claim, you must prove that the other party caused the accident and that you sustained injuries as a direct result.

To do so, your attorney must provide evidence showing the other party’s negligence. Negligence can be established by demonstrating that the other party violated a traffic law or acted in a way that was unreasonable under the circumstances. 

Some examples of evidence in a lane change accident include:

  • Witness statements
  • Police reports
  • Video surveillance
  • Accident reconstruction expert testimony, if necessary

In addition to proving fault, you must provide evidence of your injuries. This may include medical records, bills, photographs, and other documentation that shows the extent of your damages and the costs associated with your treatment.

Long Island Car Crash Attorneys 

Determining fault in a lane change accident in Long Island and New York City is often more complicated than in other collisions.

If you’ve recently been involved in a lane change accident, contact Kohan Law Group. Our Nassau law firm can help you navigate the process of filing a claim and recovering damages to help you deal with your injuries. We’re prepared to fight to ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.